Code of Conduct
The present “Book Of the Code of Conduct” has been framed, in coiisonoiice with the 'Patliputra University Code of Conduct’, for Sri Arvind Mahila College, Patna
and is aimed to guide the college incumbents adhering to the basic norms that has been laid down in the ’Book’ towards ensuring best and healthy academic environment and discipline within the college itself.
It is hereby desired that the variom provisions, os laid down under the “Code” be strictly followed by the faculties, students and staffs of the college towards ensuing academic outcome for the future incumbents of the Sri Arvind Mahila College, Patna to emulate in the best interest of the esteemed Patliputra Univesity, Patna.
S.No. | CONTENTS | Page No. | ||
1. | Principal | 4 | ||
2. | Librarian | 4 | ||
3. | Teachers | 5 | ||
4. | Teachers & their Responsibilities | 5 | ||
5. | Teachers and Students | 7 | ||
6. | Teachers and Colleagues | 7 | ||
7. | Teachers and Authorities | 8 | ||
8. | Teachers and Non-Teaching Staffs | 8 | ||
9. | Teachers and Guardians | 9 | ||
10. | Teachers and Society | 9 | ||
11. | Code of conduct for students | 10 |
- Provide spirational and motivational value-based,academic and executive leadership to the college
- through policy formation, operational, optimization of human resources, concern for environment and sustainability.
- Conduct himself/herself with transparency, faintest, .honesty, highest degree of ethics and decisi making that is in the best interest of the institution;
- Act as stewed of the collége’s assets in managing the resourées with responsibility, optimally, effectively and efficiently, for providing a conducive working and lying environment.
- Projyote the co1laborative, shared and consultative work culture in the college, paving the way for innovative thinking and gen on of ideas;
- Endeavour to promote work cult and ethics that bring about quality, professionalism, satisfaction arid servifi to the socieJ and'nation;
- Adhere to’ a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour expected of them by the community.
- Refrain from allowing considerations of caste,creed, religion, race, gender or sex to interfacehim/her in their professional endeavour.
Librarian should be require- To actively promote reading and scholars
- Work towards the modernization of the library, digitalization of research materials, and subscribing to online journals and global e- resources;
- To Install mechanism to check plagiarism such as obtaining MHRD approval anti-plagiarism software and promote academic ethics;
- To Hold annual library day and faculty specific library week to augment scholarship;
- To make the central library inviting for faculty and students maintaining a high order of cleanliness and provide adequate space for academic discussions with arrangement of drinking water and beverages
Teachers and their Responsibilities Whoever adopts teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct himself/ herself in accordance with the idea of the profession. A teacher is constantly judged by his/her student and society. Therefore, every teacher should see that there is no incompatibility between his/her precepts and practice. The profession further requires that the teacher should be calm, patient and communicative by temperament and amiable in disposition Teachers should- Safeguard the provisions of the Indian constitution in his/her professional and personal life
- Seek to make professional growth continuously through study and research
- Express free and frank opinion by participation at the professional meetings, seminars, conferences aimed contributing towards generation and growth of knowledge;
- Maintain active membership of the professional organizations and strive to improve education and professional competence through them;
- Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorials, practical, seminars and research work, consciously and with dedication;
- Discourage and not to indulge in the unfair practice of plagiarism and other non ethical conduct in teaching and research;
- Abide by the acts, statute and ordinance of the university and to respect its ideals, vision, mission, cultural practices and tradition;
- Cooperate and assist in carrying out the functions related to the educational responsibilities of the college and the university, such as assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and counselling students as well as assisting the conduct of university and college examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation.
- Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities, including.
Teachers and Students
Teachers should
Respect the rights and dignity of the students in expressing his per opinion
- Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their gender, religion caste, nationality, ethnicity and disability;
- Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among student and strive to meet their individual needs; Encourage students to strive higher, improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to the community welfare;
- Inculcate among students scientific temper, spirit of inquiry and ideals of democracy, patriotism, social justice, environmental protection and peace;
- Treat the students with dignity and not to behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason;
- Pay attention to fair assessment of merit;
- Make themselves available to the students helping and guiding them without any expectations for either any remuneration or rewards for the same;
- Aid students to develop an understanding of our national and state
Teachers and Authorities
Teachersshould- Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to procedures and methods in consistent with their profession in initiating steps through their own institutional bodies and / or professional organizations for change of any such rule detrimental to professional interest.
- Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment, including private tuitions and coaching which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
- Cooperate in the formulation of policies of the institution when required.
- Cooperate their university in the formulation ofpolicies of other institutions.
- Cooperate with the authorities for the betterment of the college and university.
Teachers and non-teaching staffs
- Treat the non-teaching staffs as colleagues and equal partners in a cooperative manner within the college premises’.
- Help in the functioning ofjoint-staff councils covering both the teachers and the non-teaching staffs of the college.
Teachers and Guardians
Teachers should Try to see, that departments maintain contact with parents/guardians of their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and even meet the guardians at meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the students and the college itself;Teachers and Society
Teachersshould- Recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational programmes that are being provided ;
- Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s cultural moral and intellectual life;
- Be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as would be conducive to the progress of society and hence the country as a whole.Perform the duties of citizenship, participate in community activities and shoulder responsibilities of public offices.
- Refrain from taking part in or subscribing in any way activities, which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions, or linguistic groups and actively work for mutual integration.
- Students should strictly adhere to all rules and regulations in force and amendments in future and any breach of any rule shall entail forfeiture of his/her seat in the college.
- The students should not involve themselves in any of such activities that are pre-judicial to the proper conduct of study or discipline, or peace in the college campus, such as involving themselves in strike, unlawful assemblies, consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs, late attendance and any other infringement of rules and regulations.
- Student should not involve in any form of ragging.
- Student should abide by the modest dress code of the institution specially in professional courses.
- Attendance mandatory.