About Sri Arvind Mahila College, Patna
Sri Arvind Mahila College was established in the year 1960. The college is named after the great Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo Ghosh. It was a dream child of great visionary Dr. Krishna Jamaiyar, the founder principal of the college. The college imparts teaching in Arts, Science and Commerce streams along with numerous Vocational and Add- On courses. In the recent past large numbers of career-oriented courses has been started to empower the female sector of the society with marketable knowledge. The college has grown rapidly with the dedicated faculty, staff and sincere efforts of the students put together.
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Prof. (Dr.) Sadhana Thakur
We are committed to see that our college emerges as the best college on the educational map of India. In order to achieve our goal we are working hard to see that the problems of the students are must not go unredressed. We have tried our level best to lay down solid foundation to help the students overcome the challenges. A conducive atmosphere has been created inside the campus and the students are groomed in such a way that they romp home with flying colors bringing laurels to the institution and society as well. Their effort will pay dividend and will definitely leave no stone unturned to contribute their energy for the betterment of society.
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